23 Jun City and County of Los Angeles New Minimum Wage for July 1, 2017
On July 1, 2017 businesses with 25 or fewer employees will have the minimum wage increased to $10.50 for any employee who performs at least two hours for all hours worked in the City of Los Angeles, regardless whether the work is done as full time, part time or temporary employee. Employers with 26 or more employees will need to pay $12.00 per hour on July 1st. This is part of ordinance that was approved by the Los Angeles City Council on May 19, 2015 to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour by 2020.
Find here the city boundaries: http://zimas.lacity.org/
Find out more on the LA City website http://wagesla.lacity.org/
Los Angeles County had also approved gradual increases to the minimum wage.
This ordinance that was approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on July 21, 2015, with a vote of 3-2, to increase the minimum wage in unincorporated portions of LA County to $15 per hour by 2020. The County wages only affect the unincorporated areas of the county. The enactment of this law follows the move by the City of Los Angeles, however the County has slightly different rules and timetables.You can find out more here: https://www.lacounty.gov/minimum-wage
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